Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tip of the Day - 4/24

Dummy Receivers

HEre are a few things we know:
  • We all know that receivers in a pass centered offense can get tired and not run great routes.
  • We also know that defenses usually only scout 1 deep and know little about the subs you bring in.
  • We know that DB's are always told to not let anyone behind them.
So what does this mean in the No Huddle?  Well, teams will usually be playing their studs against your studs and they likely will not change when you send in a sub.  Therefore, you will have their starting TB, for instance, against your 5th, 6th, or 7th best receiver.  No contest right?  Wrong.  If you shift your mentality from beating that defender to wearing him out, you will make real hay with the 7th receiver of yours.  Here is what you do.  Tell him to run to the end zone every play.  Gas that TB and force them to sub.  If they don't, you just killed their running game in the 4th quarter.  If they do then not you put your stud back in and throw right over their backup.  
Any offense can run this concept, but the no huddle makes it harder for adjustments defensively and can give you a huge advantage in this part of the game.

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